Essential Courses


Tailored guidance for quick results!

Book a VIP Day to get my full attention and expertise. It's perfect for parents who want their child to feel more confident and joyful about planning and writing great stories, within a short time-frame.

Determined, curious and ready to make change happen?

Clare's private VIP Day is specifically designed to meet your and your child's needs and most desired creative writing goals. I offer two types of VIP days: 1. For your child: We focus on goals like story structure, expressing ideas on paper or up-levelling vocabulary. 2. For parents: We work together to create the perfect study plan for your child's 11+ creative writing journey.

Here's an example VIP Day for a child:

10 am - 10.30 am: Mind-mapping and idea generation

Activity: Engage in a mind-mapping exercise to generate story ideas. Use a picture or a written prompt to inspire creativity. Outcome: Develop a list of potential story ideas.

10.30 am - 10.50 am: Morning Break

A yummy snack break!

10.50 am - 12.00 pm: Planning and structuring a story with ease

Activity: Choose one idea and create a story outline. Discuss the main character, setting, plot and structure. Receive constructive feedback. Outcome: A clear story plan ready for writing.

12 pm - 1.45 pm: Lunch Break

Eat and recharge!

1:45 pm - 2.45 pm: Story Writing Session 1

Activity: Guided writing practice using the story outline. Focus on the introduction, the development of the plot and a well-finished ending. Outcome: A strong beginning to the story with a clear character journey and plot development.

2.45 pm - 3.30 pm: Afternoon Break

Stretch and hydrate!

3.30 pm - 4 pm: Story Writing Session 2

Activity: Continue writing the story. Work on developing a satisfying ending. Outcome: Completion of the first draft of the story.

4 pm - 4.45 pm: Feedback

Relax while feedback is on its way! Activity: Send your story to me to review the first draft. I’ll describe what worked well and what could be even better, with tips on how to achieve the desired outcome. Outcome: Receive personalised feedback via video.

4.45 pm - 5.30 pm: Implement Feedback

Activity: Focus on refining the plot, improving descriptions and correcting any errors. Outcome: Constructive feedback to further improve the story.

5.30 pm- 6.00 pm: Reflection and Goal Setting for the Future

Activity: Reflect on the day’s work. Discuss what was learned and set goals for future writing sessions. Outcome: Clear understanding of progress and a key area identified for future growth, with ideas on how to achieve it.

Post VIP Day support

30 days to answer your questions or to review any writing samples.

Reviews from parents

(3 reviews)

Rated 5 out of 5
What was your child's favourite aspect of course? Mainly creating that space for him to do what he enjoys the most by allowing him to learn more about creative writing while receiving very quickly nurturing and professional feedback, which allow him to grow and learn. It increased his confidence, which is helping him so much not only in terms of creative writing but at a personal level in other areas of his day to day life. I just think that Clare has set up an extremely well thought through structure for this sessions. For my son a plus was having other kids attending the session as encouraged him to be more active within the group.


Rated 5 out of 5
She liked the tiger picture to give her an idea where to start and because it was an interesting idea. She says her writing is more fun and easier now that she knows where her stories are going. She learned to have a plan which she has used again. She's also learned that it’s ok (and actually even good) to cross things out in her stories. Encouraged to edit. Given lots of positive encouragement and feedback.


Rated 5 out of 5
My daughter thoroughly enjoyed Claire's story writing workshop, which provided a safe and inviting space and story prompts to inspire creativity. My daughter loved writing her story and learnt to craft her story (beginning to end) in a structured and thoughtful way.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the virtual VIP Day for?

I offer two types of VIP Days: 1. For your child: We focus on goals like planning a story, expressing ideas on paper, or improving vocabulary. 2. For parents: We work together to create the perfect study plan and resources for your child's 11+ creative writing journey.

What is the process?

1. Book an initial 60-minute consultation. I will ask you several questions to help us understand the outcomes you wish to see from a private VIP day experience. We'll decide if a VIP day is the perfect option for you. 2. A customised step-by-step VIP Day plan for you to review. 3. A 15-minute introductory call for me and your child (if relevant) prior to the VIP Day. 4. VIP Day with 8 hours of my dedicated support. 5. 30 days of post-VIP Day support to answer your questions and to review writing.

What is the investment for a VIP Day?

The one-time payment has a minimum fee of £495. Sometimes for extra requests, I'll recommend a day and half and an additional fee will apply.

What's your cancellation policy?

If you need to cancel your booking, whilst no refund is available, you can reschedule for another date.

Resources to help you


11-Plus English: How to ace your Exam

Does my child need a tutor?  Whether you decide to prepare your child for the 11+ or engage a tutor is a personal choice. Smart parents decide what they want to do early on and commit to their chosen process.  

Read more

11+ English Sample Papers

Here's a list of 11+ English papers, FREE for you to download.

Read more
Get in touch

Let’s empower children to develop a creative voice!

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