
The Independent School Interview

Updated:January 28, 2025
Author:Creative Hare

Rebecca currently works as a LAMDA teacher at Lady Margaret School in Parsons Green and is Head of New Writing at Putney Theatre. She coaches children privately from various private schools in preparation for School Entrance Exams.  

The interview for a private independent school is part of the admission process.  It will last around 15-30 minutes.  

The Headteacher will have already seen the ISEB scores, will have received a reference from the current school as well as the latest school report.   

For this reason, working with a coach can support and prepare your child in the following way:  

  • To help instil confidence from the moment your child meets a new adult and can hold a conversation showing positive personal traits and qualities  
  • To prepare answers that will help them stand out, responding thoughtfully and with direction of varying topics  
  • To enhance effective articulation of answers  
  • To consider posture and eye contact with the Headteacher (or your laptop camera if your interview is held online)
  • To research the new school and finding engaging topics that could aid the flow of an eloquent conversation  

Rebecca will work with your child in preparation for the interview via Zoom, following current safety guidelines.  

I do believe that “Preparation is Everything” and with all my years of experience and in every walk of life, research has been at the centre of feeling confident before any new meeting.   


 By Rebecca Marangos  

Director, LAMDA, Drama, Acting and Voice Coach 

Instagram: rebeccamarangos